A Piano Dataset with Audio, Symbolic, and Text Data
PIAST (PIano dataset with Audio, Symbolic, and Text) presents a multimodal dataset that pairs solo piano music with text.
In addition to the audio and text data, PIAST includes MIDI data, transcribed through our transcription pipeline.
The dataset is
divided into two subsets: PIAST-YT and PIAST-AT, each with distinct text collection methods and research purposes.
The dataset and the training weights are available on
this link.
PIAST-YT consists of 9,673 tracks (1006 hours) of solo piano audio, MIDI and text (title, description, and tags) collected from YouTube. The collected text data was processed with ChatGPT-4 Turbo to extract text represents each music content.
PIAST-AT consists of 2,023 expert-annotated tracks, providing more accurate and detailed text information. Each 30-second segment from PIAST-YT was annotated using our piano-specific taxonomy, which includes emotion, mood, genre, and style. The text data also includes agreement information from three annotators.
Taxonomy & Samples
We constructed a piano-specific taxonomy for solo piano music to encompass and define the range of expressions possible in solo piano music. 7 music experts participated in the construction of the taxonomy, by rating each tag by its suitability for solo piano music. The taxonomy includes three main categories: Emotion/Mood, Genre, and Style. The samples below each tag are the sample audio that were labeled with the corresponding tag during the annotation process.
Annotated Tags:
- Happy, Playful, Bright, Upbeat/Energetic
- Jazz
- Ragtime, Cute, Intense/Grand, Pop-Piano Cover, Emotional
Annotated Tags:
- Bright, Pop-Piano Cover
- Easy
- Upbeat/Energetic, Happy, Relaxing/Calm, Cute, Emotional
Annotated Tags:
- Playful, Happy, Bright
- Cute, Upbeat/Energetic
- Easy, Laid-back, Pop-Piano Cover, Emotional, Jazz
Annotated Tags:
- Cute, Bright
- Playful, Happy, Emotional, Easy, New-age
- Classical, Relaxing/Calm, Pop-Piano Cover
Annotated Tags:
- Relaxing/Calm
- Emotional,Easy,New-age,Classical,Laid-back
- Pop-Piano Cover,Happy
Annotated Tags:
- Emotional
- Dreamy, Ballad, Laid-back, Relaxing/Calm
- Epic, Mysterious, Sad, New-age, Dark, Bright, Jazz
Annotated Tags:
- Dreamy, Emotional
- Laid-back, Bright, Relaxing/Calm, Ballad, Jazz
- Intense/Grand
Annotated Tags:
- Mysterious, Classical
- Dreamy, Easy, Sad
- Dark, Emotional, Relaxing/Calm, Playful
Annotated Tags:
- Sad, Dark
- Emotional
- Tense, Intense/Grand, Classical, New-age
Annotated Tags:
- Dark, Mysterious
- Dreamy, Tense, New-age
- Classical, Relaxing/Calm, Laid-back
Annotated Tags:
- Tense, Speedy
- Intense/Grand, Mysterious, Dark, Playful
- Difficult/Advanced, Passionate, New-age, Powerful, Pop-Piano Cover
Annotated Tags:
- Epic
- New-age, Powerful
- Passionate, Emotional, Upbeat/Energetic, Speedy
Annotated Tags:
- Intense/Grand
- Pop-Piano Cover, Upbeat/Energetic, Powerful, Difficult/Advanced, Speedy
- Ballad, Sad, New-age, Emotional, Passionate, Epic
Annotated Tags:
- Passionate, Difficult/Advanced, Speedy
- Powerful, Intense/Grand, Epic, Jazz
- Dark, Tense, Funk, Upbeat/Energetic
Annotated Tags:
- Powerful, Swing, Difficult/Advanced, Upbeat/Energetic, Passionate, Intense/Grand, Pop-Piano Cover, Epic, Jazz
- Speedy
- Tense
Annotated Tags:
- Jazz, Swing
- Laid-back, Upbeat/Energetic, Difficult/Advanced
- Happy, Mysterious, Playful
Annotated Tags:
- Blues, Jazz
- Playful, Bright
- Laid-back, Upbeat/Energetic, Tense
Annotated Tags:
- Funk, Swing, Difficult/Advanced, Happy, Bright, Pop-Piano Cover, Upbeat/Energetic, Jazz
- Powerful, Passionate, Epic
Annotated Tags:
- Swing, Difficult/Advanced, Speedy, Jazz
- Playful, Bright, Passionate
- Happy, Upbeat/Energetic, Intense/Grand, Blues
Annotated Tags:
- Latin, Jazz, Playful
- Speedy, Bright
- Upbeat/Energetic, Happy, Dreamy
Annotated Tags:
- Bossan Nova, Latin, Jazz
- Emotional
- Laid-back, Relaxing/Calm, Mysterious, Dreamy, Bright
Annotated Tags:
- Ragtime, Cute, Playful, Jazz
- Bright, Emotional
- Passionate, Speedy, Upbeat/Energetic, Relaxing/Calm, Happy
Annotated Tags:
- Ballad, Jazz
- Relaxing/Calm, Dreamy
- Dark, Sad, Tense, Mysterious, Emotional, Difficult/Advanced, Passionate, Intense/Grand, Playful, Epic
Annotated Tags:
- New-age, Emotional
- Relaxing/Calm, Happy, Bright
- Passionate, Dreamy, Easy, Laid-back
Annotated Tags:
- Pop-Piano Cover, Emotional
- Happy, Bright, Ballad
- Intense/Grand, Relaxing/Calm, Easy, Mysterious
Annotated Tags:
- Classical, Passionate, Difficult/Advanced
- Intense/Grand, Tense, Speedy
- Powerful, Upbeat/Energetic, Dreamy, Mysterious, Dark, Epic
Annotated Tags:
- Easy, Cute, Bright
- Relaxing/Calm, New-age
- Emotional, Happy
Annotated Tags:
- Difficult/Advanced, Jazz
- Passionate, Swing, Bright, Upbeat/Energetic
- Intense/Grand, Playful, Dreamy, Pop-Piano Cover, Mysterious, Speedy
Annotated Tags:
- Laid-back, Jazz
- Mysterious
- Emotional, Blues, Happy, Relaxing/Calm, Swing, Dreamy
Annotated Tags:
- Speedy, Passionate, Difficult/Advanced
- Powerful, Intense/Grand, Epic, Jazz
- Dark, Tense, Funk, Upbeat/Energetic
Experiments & Results
We conducted Piano music classification tasks in both audio and MIDI domains.
The experiments were in two stages: 1) Pre-training with PIAST-YT and 2) Probing with PIAST-AT.
The table below shows the results of annotation and retrieval tasks, comparing with the supervised models that were not pre-trained on PIAST-YT.
- Pre-training with PIAST-YT improves classification accuracy in both audio and MIDI domains, compared to the supervised models.
- Probing with PIAST-AT shows promising results in all tasks, outperforming the supervised models.
- In most tasks, MIDI outperforms audio in performance.